Welcome to my page of animations!

On this webpage, you will find all kinds of cool, funny animations.

I will try to make new animations every week and weekend!

I hope you enjoy the animations.

  • How to make a Animation
  • It's simple. To make the mouth move, you make more costumes on scratch of the mouth. Sometimes, it comes with a costume already made for you. This is definetely for beginners. To record a sound, go to sounds and click the circle. Add backdrops! There is a backdrop library in the backdrops corner where you can find some backdrops that fits your project, or you can make your own backdrops. Repeat is important. Put the change costume inside the repeat. If you don't like making animations, maybe you like making games!

  • By the way, if you want to add music at the end like I did, go to sounds at the top next to costumes and click that book button on the right and choose some music from your file. If you don't have any music, click the left button (not the middle one) and you can pick a short sound and play it forever by going to control and getting forever.
  • My Package
  • A guy who is ordering smoke bombs and firecrackers doesn't receive his order on time and when he calls package deliverly companies, they act like they don't even know what he's talking about.

  • My Package 2
  • This series will continue for another week. Let's see what happens when he orders stuff from DHL, and USPS company. If you have already seen My Package, then watch My Package 2!

  • My Package 3
  • Very funny and much longer. Lots of people think this is the funniest. The guy orders all kinds of bombs that guys have silly reactions to. Make sure you've seen My Package 2 before you watch this! My Package 4 is coming soon!

  • My Package 4
  • Continuing to find out the unknown. Three men on the phone call have a passion of singing, language lying and laziness. With those passions that makes them screw up on the phone call but in silly ways as you go through this animation.

    The last animation of the series! His last time making calls as he has wasted lots of his money. Back to other stuff. Thanks for watching and I hope you enjoyed the series of My Package. Please continue to watch other animations. That would be greatly appreciated!

  • The Tooth Fairy
  • He gets a letter from the tooth fairy saying something ridicilous. He was hoping to gets some money like always. Find out what happens. Very funny and by the way, he does not write a letter to the tooth fairy.

  • School Fundraisers
  • All the students from school are given chocolate bars from their teachers and they have to go around their neighborhood and sell chocolate bars. But one student thinks it's boring. So he decides to prank all of the people at their houses instead. He doesn't really care if he gets punished. With the money all of the students have to give money to their school for it because it's a public school and they need money.

    If you want to see more animations, games and more stuff please click this link: https://scratch.mit.edu/users/sendgcs29/

    What are your favorite animations? Put a check on your favorites!

    I Am Hungry What's Your Name I Can't Dance My Package My Package 2 My Package 3 My Package 4 My Package 5 The Tooth Fairy School Fundraisers